& Why I’ve Chosen To Build A dōTERRA Business
My passion for dōTERRA oils & products began in 2013 when I started using them to strengthen my immune system. As a childbirth filmmaker for nearly 2 decades, one of my biggest challenges when on-call for a birth, was to simply stay healthy and not pick up whatever bug was going around. I had no backup, so being sick was not an option.
As I learned how to use these gifts of the earth, I incorporated them into my daily life for almost everything. Now, I can’t imagine my life without them. While building and maintaining a healthy immune system was the reason I dove in, discovering all the other benefits they offered is what kept me using and also sharing dōTERRA products with my friends, family, and oftentimes strangers.
I learned first-hand how quick and effective they are, as they’ve worked wonders for me, but some of the most profound ‘Aha!’ moments came when I shared them with others. That is what lead to my paradigm shift and decision to help educate people about these oils and wellness products and to build my dōTERRA business. As I’ve grown, I shared dōTERRA with pregnant women, parents, birth professionals, acupuncturists, massage therapists, dentists, pediatricians, dancers, educators, soldiers, nurses, actors, singers, artists, athletes, and many others. As one who also LOVEs traveling, I’ve been fortunate to hold dōTERRA workshops in Europe, Israel, Canada, Costa Rica, and across the USA. I can’t think of a better way to incorporate these passions of mine!
~ Are you committed to your health?
~ Are you interested in simple, safe, and empowering natural health solutions?
~ Are you curious about how dōTERRA oils and products could enhance your overall wellbeing?
~ True powerful lasting wellness and prevention require a healthy lifestyle which often calls for change. This change is one of the greatest gifts you can implement in your life and the lives of those you love. Are you ready to jump in?
~ Do you want to make an impact on the health and lives of others as well?
~ If I could show you how to create residual income and financial abundance by sharing dōTERRA with others, would you be interested in learning how?
~ Are you self-motivated, responsible, and open to learning and growing?
If your answer is YES to any of these questions, let’s connect!
I look forward to hearing from you and Thank You for reading my story.
Oh, and one more thing! If you love traveling as I do, check out My Top Essential Oils For Travel blog.
© Jodie Myers 2018 All Rights Reserved